Ireland 5 Carat Lab-grown Diamond Prices

    The current price for a 5 carat lab-grown diamond in Ireland is €1,722.60, calculated from 8,840 diamonds that match this carat weight and type in our database, and has decreased by 16.64% over the last 7 days.

    Prices for these diamonds range from €571.00 to €24,876.00, depending on factors such as the diamond shape, color, and clarity.

    Overall, the price trend for 5 carat lab-grown diamonds over the past three weeks shows a consistent decrease in diamond prices.

    The 7-day change is a significant decrease of 16.64%, the 14-day change is a sizable decrease of 17.25%, and the 21-day change is a considerable decrease of 32.41%.

    These downward trends in diamond prices could suggest weakening demand or increased supply.

    5 Lab Diamond Prices by Shape in Ireland

    The most expensive shape for 5 carat lab-grown diamonds is currently round, priced at €2,667.00.

    The least expensive shape for 5 carat lab-grown diamonds is currently marquise, priced at €1,332.00.

    This is a difference of €1,335.00, meaning that round diamonds are 100.23% more expensive than marquise diamonds at the same carat weight.

    These insights into lab-grown diamond prices aim to help you make an informed decision when selecting the best diamond shape for your needs.

    5 Carat Diamond Prices in Ireland, Ranked by Diamond Shape

    Click on any diamond shape to see more detailed pricing information.

    Shape of Diamond Current Price (€) 7-Day % Change
    Round 2,407.48 -5.60%
    Princess 1,782.11 -3.94%
    Heart 1,650.18 -8.61%
    Asscher 1,623.13 0.51%
    Oval 1,449.31 -3.18%
    Cushion 1,379.71 0.13%
    Pear 1,325.61 -2.98%
    Marquise 1,195.84 -0.66%
    Radiant 1,176.47 -0.39%
    Emerald 1,087.53 -2.03%